
Monday, July 28, 2014

Pastor Diwakar Visited us from India!

Namastē! (Hello!)

From July 10th-16th we were blessed to host Pastor Diwakar Wankhede from Mumbai, India! Pastor Diwakar is the one that invited us to come and minister with he and his wife in India. It was a wonderful time discussing the Word and getting to know one another better, along with learning even more about his heart for the people and the vision the Lord has given him.

On Sunday, July 13th, he was able to speak to our church about India and share about his ministry in the slums, along with meeting more of our friends and family. Then that evening we took him over to the local Assembly of God church (where we teach children on Wednesday nights), and Pastor Sam invited him to speak to the church for the evening service. Below is a recording of the evening presentation. If you would like to know more about India and the ministry, I would encourage you to watch it! I learned a lot listening to him.

We are so grateful that Pastor Diwakar was able to come and stay with us, and we are excited as we learn more about India and wait on His timing for us to leave!

Phir milēngē! (Goodbye!)